3 Tips for Choosing Right Concealer

Concealer is an excellent makeup product that helps you hide any skin flaws. It offers better coverage than foundation. But, concealer should not be applied to the entire face. It should be used only to hide any skin imperfections like dark circles, scars, spots, or blemishes. Here are few tips on how to choose the right concealer for you:

3 Tips for Choosing Right Concealer

1. You should always choose a concealer that is one shade lighter than your natural complexion. Don’t forget that the purpose of using concealer is to make any blemishes blend into your skin tone.

2. If you have dark circles, you should choose creamy concealer. To cover up other skin imperfections, you can choose a drier concealer.

3. Make sure you test concealer on your skin before purchasing it. You should try a concealer with yellow undertones as green or pink undertones may leave you with colored skin instead of covering up flaws.
